PART - 1
 fatty Acids:- There are four type of fatty acids,
1) Omega - 3 
2) Omega - 6
3) Omega - 7
4) Omega - 9
But i will explain only one omega - 3 remaing will explain later.
1) Omega -3: - In Omega 3 fatty acids there are 3 different acids,
1) Alpha linolenic acids (ALA)
2) Eicosapentaenoic Acids (EPA)
3) Docosahexaenoic Acids (DHA)

* Our body cannot synthesis these fatty acids but can form 20 & 22 carbon omega 3 fatty acids from 18 - carbon (ALA).

* Benefits of omega - 3:- 
1) Omega 3 fatty acids reduce LAL cholestrol & reduce risk of caronary heart disease. 
2) They hepls to reduce blood  pressure.
3) Omega -3 fatty acids can reduce joint tenderness.
4) Omega -3 eat in sufficient amount bad fat cit down to the energy.
5) Associated with Lowered cancer Risks.
6) Mental health, Battel mental disorders & decline.
7) Fight autoimnune diseases.
8) Beneficial for infant & child development.

*Sources of food:- 
1) Salmon 

2) Cod liver oil 
3) Olive oil 
4) Soyabeans oil 
5) Flexseed oil 

6) Almonds 
7) Spinach 

8) Walnuts 

*Recommend Daily Intake:- 

  • Infants - 0-6 months - 0.5 g.
  • Child - 1-8 months - 1.0 g.
  • Adult - 9-18 years -  1.5 g.

* Ideal ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 is about 5:1
